Saturday, July 7, 2018

My Hero Acedemia

Alright sooo … it's been a while since my last post . Past spending Saturday Nights waiting for the next Dragon Ball Super Bought to be released on the "Otakuwebbs" I've had little time to explore what's new in the anime world . Fortunately I have made some free time to blog . so what's on the ol' anime science today?

I'm a gamer by heart . reading gaming magazines is a past time activity of mine ; I stumbled on a article about My Hero Academia; just a few paragraphs about how it a new anime kinda like X-Men with quirks in stead of mutant power; soo I gave it a looks see .

I've discovered MHA has taken off in Japan and is on upwards of 50 episodes and a 3rd season already! I have kind of skipped through the first season to see what's current in the MHA Series.  Looks promising : Don't worry no spoilers here ; and yes I know that for some of you readers it is a pet peeve to skip episodes and that you should religiously power through binging from number 1 on to the gritty end ….Psht . … I never started any anime from season 1 in my life . If I catch a glimpse of something that peeks my interest,  I watch a current episode and If  I'm still interested : then go back and to season one to fill in the blanks and answer my formulated questions about what was going on in the story. for example: I remember catching the ending credits on cartoon network about 12:00 pm at night : What was this awesome dragon and guy riding a light beam around the earth ? Later turned out to be Inuyasha of which I am now a huge fan!

Like a scientist I take a sample and make a discovery . Maybe it's not for everyone but I find it is a fun way to discover new shows. Later days .  DJ  =-)
