Friday, April 17, 2020

Star Wars Anime? - We Wish!

(STAR WARS MANGA by Hisao Tamaki)

STAR WARS fans have soo many venues to choose from these days : On TV there is Disney+ 's Mandalorian, In Comic's you can read the untold stories of  Darth Vader , at the Movies you can see The Last Jedi but what about ANIME! Could there be a Star Wars Anime in our mist. We wish! To be perfectly honest it may never be a reality.

You may have seen the fan clips of "Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures" on YouTube with editing to make it look like anime but

Don't be fooled!!

If you are a Star Wars fan you might be interested in these "Far Far Away "Anime titles:

Outlaw Star
Cowboy Bebop
Space Dandy
Macross Gundam
Blue Gender
Eureka 7

need the list go on?

I has been awhile since our last post here at Jump84. So much changes in a year , especially this one; its hard to keep up.

This is a time of uncertainty. The COVID19 situation has certainly affected everyone. I hope you readers are well .Lets hope for the best!  Stay Safe , Stay Home , Stay cool

There is a silver lining for Otakus who are experiencing a lot of
alone time in 2020 due to mandatory Quarantine: Since every one is staying home, Now would be a good time to catch up on all your favorite anime series and maybe even discover some new titles to marathon!


Later days,
